Friday, May 09, 2008
Lake Erie With Kathy's Family 2008
I know... it isn't right... our California pictures aren't posted yet--hell, my Christmas and Easter pictures aren't even up yet! Anyhoo, here are our photos from Mother's Day weekend when we met Kathy, Preston, Matt and the girls in Erie, PA.
Our first stop, the pier. It was great until the girls set off the alarm in the tower--I believe the police may have been looking for two female midgets the rest of the evening...
Our journey around the peninsula. Playing at the beach; Matt challenges his mom to a stone skipping contest; pictures of Lake Erie and a genuine Californian beach bunny! The girls ended up in their underwear the remainder of the trip--so, half naked female midgets may have been a more accurate description for the police after this part of the journey...
Our journey around the peninsula. Playing at the beach; Matt challenges his mom to a stone skipping contest; pictures of Lake Erie and a genuine Californian beach bunny! The girls ended up in their underwear the remainder of the trip--so, half naked female midgets may have been a more accurate description for the police after this part of the journey...
The Presque Isle lighthouse and sunset pictures over the lake. As Kathy put it--we are just making up for all of those lost years--hopefully next time won't be so many years away! And now that we know Matt is only a matter of hours away, hopefully we can drag him down to play in our neck of the woods, at least occasionally! :)